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I lay bruised, injured....

I had thirsted for love since I was small
From my mother, father, friends
But I never got it
I remained unfulfilled
I remained weak
Because I am one of those
Who wither away
Without the water of love

Then I saw you one day
I felt you were what I needed
Your love I wanted
You and me
And nobody else
I felt calm, relaxed
Whenever I was with you
I felt I was on top of the world
I could do anything
But your love was nothing but an illusion
A mere mirage in my desert of despair

It did not exist
The thing between you and me
For me it was everything
For you it was just another spring of your youth
And when it gave way to summer (of discontent?)
You left me

I lay shattered
I wept aloud
I was hurt inside
There was no one to hear my silent scream of agony
Which came from deep inside

The emptiness in me still remained
But it is gradually filling up
With cynicism
With hatred for everyone
With spite
And malice for all