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Raj Thackeray is breaking India

Raj Thackeray's mother should have spanked him when he was little. Or his pa should have given him a nice hiding then. That would have spared us the headache he is causing us now.

Raj reminds me a of a six year kid who lives in my building. He is a menace. Whenever he comes down in the evenings to play, he uses the cricket bat not to hit the rubber ball (and break window panes) but to break the poor plastic chairs lying around provided by the society committee for people to sit in the evenings. Neighbours say the kid keeps breaking things at home too.

Raj Thackeray is like that. He wants to break things. He wants to break the communal harmony in Maharashtra. He wants to separate the Marathi from the Indians. Why? To win elections. If he keeps doing this he will probably become the president one day, not of India, but of a new country called Maharashtra. Raj is unwittingly breaking India.

He thinks he is the reincarnation of Shivaji. Some one should tell him that the Mughals are gone since a long time. In Delhi is an government we all elect, not seizing power through coups or battles.

Be proud to be an Indian first, then be a Marathi. They forgot to teach him that at school.

The government in Maharashtra and New Delhi are weak. They should act swiftly. Raj Thackeray is breaking the tenets of the Indian Constitution. It is pure treason. The jihadis must be loving this guy. He is doing their job for them. Chipping away at India.