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The real secret of happiness in life

What do you live for? Good food? Sex? Family? Friends? Self improvement? This is a question that most of us don't ask ourselves. "Life is ...for living." Who wants to go deeper and think?

But it is necessary. Sit down quietly with no distractions and ask yourself, "what is the aim in life?" If the answers come out like, "I gotta provide for wife and kids", then bullshit. You are confused. Or you haven't thought deep enough. You are caught in the rut of existence. Most of us are. But this continues fine till your inner self rebels strongly. That is when you rebel too. You pick fights with the wife, slap your your kids and frown at your 'close' friends.

If you have reached this stage, think again. That means no one understands you. Not your wife. Not your friends. They will all want status quo. This status quo is your biggest enemy to discover yourself. Believe me, most of us have not discovered even 20% of ourselves. Your inner self is a gold mine of limitless treasure. Discover them and you will find true happiness.

Know yourself. That is most important. Don't feel saddened or guilty about yourself. Be brutally honest. But don't tell anyone else about your thoughts. Often your family and 'best friends' will turn out to be the impediments.

Sit down. Then think and then know what you are. Listen to your heart. What are your wants. Listen to the inner voice. It may have gone faint as years of neglect might have weakened it (and also weakened you). But listen to it carefully. And follow it.

Your inner urges. Things you wanted to do years ago but you could not do because of compulsions. If it is possible, do them now. These inner urges are the real you. Don't run away from them or you will never be happy.